Sunday, January 26, 2020

Refugees, Children in detention and rights

Refugees, Children in detention and rights Refugees, Children in detention Backdrop Half of the worlds refugees are children but their voices are amongst the least heard. Amidst the debate and conflict around refugees and border protection, the rights of refugee children have been neglected. The vulnerable condition of refugee children is evident from the statement of Ibrahim Ishreti, a refugee child living on bridging visa, he says: before coming to Australia we heard that everyones human rights and freedoms are respected here but nobody would believe what is happening to us†¦ We dont have any human rights and are treating like animals. Like other human beings our lives are not normal and our feelings and thinking are dead. We are depressed and can not smile[1]. Australia is signatory of significant number of human rights treaties including the1951 Refugee Convention and its 1967 Protocol and own affluent custom of providing shelter to refugees, however the current policy of mandatory detention for on-shore arrival including children (whether accompanied or unaccompanied) has acutely damaged its international reputation. The mandatory detention might be justifiable policy concerns but it advanced wide community pro and contra debate and discussion in the country. The writer is a Pakistani origin immigrant in Australia. Pakistan considers a poorest country of the world host over a million Afghan refugees enjoying ample freedoms, however in Australia where the number of unauthorized arrivals has never been much more than 4000 in any one year are placed indefinitely in detention camps with limited access to services, hence the motive for selecting this topic. Key Aspects of the Policy The inherent intentions for implementing the mandatory detention policy are to have an â€Å"ordered† approach to immigration and to make certain that the countrys boundaries are secure. But little or no consideration has been given to the impact of these polices on the children who are caught up in them. That policy ââ€"  Denies internationally recognised fundamental human rights to all children of particular social group; ââ€"  Children without committing any crime are put behind razor wire and are locks up. ââ€"  And fails to recognises the vulnerability and special needs of these children. United Nations being representative body of the international community has undertaken the responsibility for the promotion and protection of human rights of all human beings including children. Therefore the UN has adopted separate legislation i.e. â€Å"UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)† in 1989 for the protection of child rights to which Australia became party in 1990. The UNCRC is an exhaustive code of guidance and management for policy development and practices relating to children. This specific child rights legislation emphasizes that a child seeking refugee status is entitle for appropriate protection and humanitarian assistance. The various human rights treaties grant universal rights to refugee children like all other people and additional rights as children and particular rights as refugee. Therefore refugee children are entitled for special treatment and care and not to be treated discriminately. Nevertheless many Australian might support or oppose the governments policy of dealing asylum seekers but the indisputable reality is that subjecting children to any form of detention is a breach of their guaranteed rights. Imprisoning these children in the context of UNCRC is either â€Å"cruel and inhuman treatment† or in soft words is â€Å"harsh treatment†, which are undesirable under the convention. The concerns due to which these children fled from their countries, detention adds in their sorrows and concerns. Therefore if we cant recompense their grievances and concerns then we dont have the right to add into it. The UNCRC articulates[2] that â€Å"holding children in detention shall be used as a measure of last resort and only for the shortest possible time†. But the Australian practice seems to be the denial of this vested right since here refugee children are detained at the outset of their unauthorized arrival. Without going into the facts finding of their flight for a known country putting these children in detention is like closing eyes from their dilapidated conditions they suffered from in their home countries. Being national of this country our happiest lives can never comprehend the worse situations they passed from and pushing into confinement compel them to spend formative years of their lives in detention, which will obviously damage their future personality traits[3]. Keeping children in mandatory detention is denial of their internationally recognised basic human rights. Oftenly it has been experienced that during relief activities the children needs are not properly taking care of which are of vital importance for their normal development and growth. Every child has certain age-specific requirements that must be satisfied, for instance basic health care, nutrition and education are necessary for physical and mental development. Healthy psychosocial development depends in large measure on the nurturing and stimulation that children receive as they grow, and on the opportunities that they have to learn and master new skills. The healthy psychosocial development in refugee children should involve counseling and skills for coping effectively the multiple trauma of loss, uprooting and often more damaging experiences. Hence where the childrens developmental needs are not sufficiently met it results in long-term tragic consequences. Challenges and/or Controversies The Australia international obligations relating to refugees and children are not adequately publicised amongst public at large therefore everyone has their own perception about refugees. Majority believe that refugees are lairs, criminals, ‘forum shoppers, welfare cheats and queue jumpers[4]. It is interesting to note neither international law recognizes the terminology of ‘queue jumper nor other civilized nations use this terminology. The obvious reason for using this terminology could be that Australia is not willing to grant refugee status every individual opted for such status instead it has the intention to allow a carefully selected populace of pre-chosen countries to live as refugees in the country. A significant number of Australians also consider refugees a threat to economy and social services sector of the country. The arrival of children seeking refuge in Australia is comparatively less than the other developed countries, however still children remain a significant percentage of the total number of arrivals. Sometimes children flee alongwith their parents and/or guardians and sometimes alone (usually known as unaccompanied minors). The flight from homeland to the country of refuge subjects all including children to the notions of a new authority though a child neither has any motive nor has any voice in the decision of flight. Article 3 of the UNCRC gives overriding effect to the principle of ‘Best Interests of the child in these wording; â€Å"In all actions concerning children, weather undertaken by public or private social welfare institutions, courts of law, administrative authorities or legislative bodies, the best interest of the child shall be a primary consideration†. The principle of ‘Best Interests of the child has been enunciated in different Australian laws however the law relating to onshore management of asylum seekers does not contain this principle. The Migration Amendment Act of 1992 identifies asylum seekers as designated persons.[5] Section 189 states that â€Å"a designated person must be detained during the processing of their refugee status†. Section 192 goes further giving two options for release obtaining a Temporary Protection Visa or being deported.[6] This section spells for mandatory detention of everyone including children till the decision of his/her status.[7] Here at this junction the lacking of distinction between immigration status of adults and children confuse the internationally accepted principle of ‘Best Interests of the child and same standard treatment is in contravention of the UNCRC. The policy of mandatory detention can not be justified on the plea that since childrens needs cannot be met in isolation, therefore they are kept with their caregiver in detention. As it is believed that children needs are normally meet most effectively within the context of family and community. It is therefore, necessary to strengthen the capacities of refugee families to meet their own needs and improve the participation and situation of adult refugees particularly women, in their child related activities and in this way they will contribute significantly to the welfare of their children. Selection of one challenge and its reflection on policy based solution Best Interest In relation to the refugee children whether accompanied or unaccompanied the primary goals of any action or program must be: To ensure the protection and healthy development of these children To achieve durable solutions appropriate to the immediate and long term developmental needs of these children. In absence of any uniform definition of ‘best interests for every child, a good indicator to judge whether a child best interests are being achieved, would be a childs aptitude that how much s/he enjoys his or her rights in a available environment.[8] Since the UNCRC also doesnt clearly define childs ‘best interest therefore in all actions and decisions affecting a child; â€Å"it is the best interests of that individual child which must be taken into account rather than children generally. The childs best interests†¦..must be the subject of active consideration†[9]. It necessitates to be established that childrens interests are of primary concerns and have adequately been conferred. The principle of ‘best interests reiterated in article 9(1) of the UNCRC states that children should never be separated from their parents against their will except when ‘necessary for the best interests of the child. The interaction between the ‘best interests principle, family unity and immigration can be enlightened by referring preamble of the UNCRC providing a reference point by recognizing that: â€Å"[T]he child, for the full and harmonious development of his of her personality, should grow up in a family environment, in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding†. In order to support the best interests of the refugee children many of the obligations under the UNCRC are relevant for instance, protection from violence, the highest attainable standards of physical and mental health, special care for children with disabilities, education, keeping confidentiality of their personal information, non-discrimination, recreation and the right to full cultural life (including language) are all factors that create a nurturing environment. Incorporating Children voices into policy debate UNCRC believes ‘voiced code for childrens participation in the programs affecting them. This legal instrument marks a change by respecting them as human being capable of full understandings and has power to decision and disregarded that they are being objects of adult intervention. The childrens right to participate in fellow societies has been accepted in articles 12-15 of the UNCRC. This convention has offered in addition to civil, political, social, economic and cultural rights, the right to freedom of opinion expression, information, religion and conscience; and the right to form associations[10]. Refugees children being most vulnerable members of Australian society, they should have the right to have their fundamental needs for shelter, food, physical and emotional care and education have been met, and to live freely and securely within our society. Our society should value and protect them. We are equally responsible alongwith the government to ensure these needs are met if a childs family/caregiver cannot or will not protect their rights. But due to their protracted legal status refugee children have concerns. They are not part of policy decision impacting their lives, hence condemned unheard and ignored. Purportedly three agencies the federal government, the private reformative firms and the state government are in charge of the management of detention centres. There is strong likelihood that these agencies would not consider childrens interests before their own. When the managers of such agencies are in chase of jurisdictional and policy issues where would children placed?[11] This management attitude proves the genuine worries, distress and concern of refugee children regarding their unresolved legal situation and their inability to move towards integration into the Australian community. Many children describe themselves as happy, good, but detailed their depression and distress that accompanied being in a limbo situation. The non-resolution of their migration or refugee situation is their paramount concern. The current manifestations of distress, while particularly concerning are equalled by the knowledge of the long term impact of ‘not belonging; to a community; to a state and to a nation. If a child cannot access normal citizenship, then their ability to grow emotionally and integrate themselves into their new country is diminished. These children have the possibility of becoming adults with a sense of frustration and anger that will impact on their lives and will impact on our lives in the Australian community in the forthcoming years. [NOTE: the writer considers the points of this paragraph as specifics impacting her local area of residence surrounded by refugee children] Conclusion If we step into the shoes of refugees and realize their sorrows and grieves then we will never deny the rights of refugee children to live with their families and reunite them when separated, having access to all basic necessities of life. If everyone of us recognize and struggle to make available all such rights to our children then why deny it for Iraqi, Afghan and Iranian children? We should provide them such harmonize environment where they can play, grow and learn. â€Å"We should keep ready ourselves to answer our children when they will look back on this time and ask what we did for refugee kids, at least we can say we gave them their childhood†[12].

Friday, January 17, 2020

The Importance of History

The Importance of History History is an important part of anyone’s life. History helps understand the past so the people of the country can understand where they come from. The subject helps children understand who they are and where they came from. History is basically knowledge about the past events. It is a part of everyday life that goes partially un-noticed. Everybody, people talk about past events without even knowing that they are performing the task. One needs to know and understand the past at doctor’s offices and solving arguments between children. I would have to know my past and my family past in order to fill out the information at my doctors. This is the way the doctor can know what to expect from my health issues. I could use history to find out the solution and the start of the problem of sibling arguments. If my two children got in a fight and one of them told me one thing and the other told me another, I would be able to tell from their history on how the fight actually went. History helps the people of today realize why their country enters wars, where their beliefs come from, and understand their culture of their country. According to the author of â€Å"Importance of History,† David Crabtree, the definition of history is that it is a story about the past that is significant and true. This simple definition contains two words that are packed with meaning which must be understood in order to understand history, which are significance and truth. Significance is determined by the historian. The historian sorts through the evidence and presents only that which, given his particular world view, is significant. No one could record everything that is true about an event in the past. Everything can be entered in history because every factor can be used in studies, teachings, and certain other possibilities. Most historians use the word â€Å"true† to mean any perspective well supported by facts. Several people can have different perspectives on history itself or bits of pieces of history (Crabtree, 1993). So it is important that we, as the people, can get all of the correct information and learn as much as possible to fully understand the full outlook and meaning of history. The resources that I can use are the school library and the public library. If I want a personalized story to be told to me, so that I can have a personal answer I can talk to something that lived through the time that I need to find research on. This person can give me a perspective that I could not get from a book, computer, or the library. Another resource that I could use is movies and television. I could watch documentaries about the event since the documentaries are based on facts and truth. They provide an in-depth view on the topics and they give more sources than necessary. I could watch the television channel National Geography or the History Channel, because they give the most honest and truthful facts to the viewers. Works Cited Crabtree, D. (1993, November). Importance of History. Retrieved October 28, 2011, from McKenzie Study Center, an institute of Gutenburg College: http://www. mckenziestudycenter. org/2001/02/the-importance-of-history/

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Doping Testing Should Not Be Banned - 1669 Words

Steroids were introduced to the world by â€Å"the Nazis because they needed aggressive soldiers†(Sports in America: Recreation, Business, Education,;Controversy., and Performance-enhancing Drugs). Doping was introduced into sports because people wanted to have an â€Å"extra advantage on their opponents†(Sports in America: Recreation, Business, Education,;Controversy., and Performance-enhancing Drugs). Drug testing was introduced to the world in 1968 at the Olympics (Sports in America: Recreation, Business, Education,;Controversy., and Performance-enhancing Drugs). This paper is meant to teach the world and yourself why doping in general is banned. Doping should not be allowed for anyone, no matter their condition because it would give them an unfair advantage in their performance, it may also have harmful effects on their health, and does not benefit our economy. Doping should not be allowed because it would give them an unfair advantage in their performance. Steroids offer an increase in body mass and strength. All these performance enhancers increase your odds of obtaining your goals. These augmentations can range from body mass, strength, alertness and decreasing appetites. Steroids also help athletes â€Å"train harder and recover quickly from strenuous workouts†(CNN) the athletes who like to go beyond their limits and enjoy their time training for them, they constantly use anabolic steroids because it allows them to have repeated strenuous workouts and recover quickly. It takes aShow MoreRelatedDoping Testing And Doping Tests1350 Words   |  6 PagesDoping dates back to ancient Greek where athletes took special diets to make themselves stronger. In the 19th Century, substances such as caffeine, alcohol and cocaine were used to enhance performance among long distance athletes. In 1904, for example, Thomas Hicks won the marathon by taking raw eggs, doses of brandy administered during the race and injections of strychnine. By the year 1920s, people realized that restrictions had to be created regarding the use of drugs in sports. In 1928, IAAFRead MoreUse of Steroids by Athletes Essay1538 Words   |  7 PagesYou are offered a banned perform ance enhancing substance that comes with two guarantees: 1) You will not be caught. 2). You will win every competition you enter for the next five years and then you will die from the side effects of the substance. Would you take it? More than half the athletes said yes. As we can infer from the above survey, a large number of professional athletes are willing to risk their lives for the chance of victory and recognition. The controversy of doping in sports is centeredRead MoreGene Doping Essay1278 Words   |  6 PagesGene Doping is defined as using â€Å"Forbidden substances or methods to increase physical and or mental performance† ( Gene doping is banned from athletics, and very dangerous to use, mainly for the body. There are some pluses to the drug, it helps with dangerous diseases, helps people gain strength back, and also helps them become more resistant to being winded. Even though it is good for the sick, for the healthy it plays the same role but it is very dangerous because there areRead MoreThe Legalization Of Steroids Should Be Beneficial For The World Of Sport1226 Words   |  5 Pageslegalization of steroids believes in benefits. The article â€Å"Performance-Enhancing Drugs Should Be Legalized.† by Stephen Wang focuses on the idea that performance-enhancing drugs being legalized would be beneficial for the world of sport. There are conflicts with regulating drugs because of the design of substances in sport. There are solutions on how doping may be medically supervised. There is the idea that doping to win is a necessity. There will be difficulty in catching dopers. The main concernRead MoreSteroids and Sports Don’t Mix Essay1662 Words   |  7 PagesThe problems of doping in sports began to surface in the late 1950s, because of rumors that coaches were allowing players to use performance-enhancing drugs. The 1956 Olympic Games where plagued with athletes using performance-enhancing drugs, so countries began to speak out against the harm that drugs were causing to the athletes and the sport (6 Anonymous). Long-term use of performance-enhancing drugs will destroy athletes bodies. Doping is the use of illegal substances that is harmful toRead MoreSport Enhancement Drugs1667 Words   |  7 Pagesa collection of a weird dietary supplement called â€Å"androstenedione† but it was also known as â€Å"andro†. After a debate from the league and fan polls, the drug wasn’t banned and the sales of the drug â€Å"andro† rose to significant levels due to popularity. In 2004, the drug â€Å"androstenedione† was banned from the MLB due to the anti-doping officials. Due to the popularity of scoring in baseball, the home-run is the most amusing to fans, since it’s a way of seeing the ball travel out of the field of playRead MoreThe Greatest Cycling Doping Scheme Fell Apart Around The Ringleader Essay1686 Words   |  7 Pagesthe greatest cycling doping scheme fell apart around the ringleader, Lance Armstrong. He was called a cheat, bully, and stripped of all seven of his consecutive Tour De France yellow jerseys. At the heart of all of this was a drug called EPO and a method called blood doping. In an investigation by the International Cycling Union (UCI) they found that the period between 1990 and 2000 to as an â€Å"epo epidemic† (Lodewijkx 3). And even now dozens of professional athletes get banned over the use of thisRead MorePerformance Enhancing Drugs. . Performance-Enhancing Drugs1580 Words   |  7 Pagesbeen strict r ules and drug testing in the professional sporting organizations, as well as in world competitions. For example, in the summer of the 2016 Rio Olympic Games, in two of the twenty-four events, a full ban of Russian athletes and of those twenty-four events, seven were partial bans for team Russia. With the rules as strict as they are, why do athletes keep taking these drugs knowing how dangerous they are and if caught, being banned from competition? Doping has been an issue since theRead MoreBlood Doping : Can We Beat It?1347 Words   |  6 PagesBlood Doping: Can We Beat It? All humans, no matter what religion, skin color, age, or gender, have blood streaming through out our bodies. Blood rushes oxygen around the body, pulls carbon dioxide out of the body, sends white blood cells to fight illness and infection, is produced in the bone marrow, carries platelets and fibers that close up wounds, and comes in the types A, B, AB, and O, with type O being a universal blood donor. Blood is not just imperative, it is irreplaceable. Doctors canRead MoreThe Prohibition Of Performance Enhancing Drugs1257 Words   |  6 Pagespsychiatry at Harvard Medical School asserts, â€Å"There is a widespread misperception that PED use is safe or that adverse effects are manageable† (341). Fry’s assumption of safer-alternative forms of PED injection is not a legitimate argument for why there should be widespread use of PED’s. Fry also developed the idea that substances prohibited from elite sporting competitions are not â€Å"the only or biggest sources of risk† (536), implying that other risks athletes undertake, such as injuries, are far riskier

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Role Of Forensic Interviews On Children s Capacities...

Throughout time children have been sole witnesses of crimes either committed to them or in their presence. Leaving forensic interviewers with the burden of withdrawing reliable information in the hopes that these children can remember. Forensic interviewers are not completely aware of children’s capacities and limitations when it comes to communication, and therefore are faced to try to withhold as much information through techniques that will elicit testimony. Historically, when children are asked to testify, it’s usually about being victims of child abuse and neglect. Child abuse has been around for centuries, but wasn’t addressed as an injustice to children until the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. However, annually in the United†¦show more content†¦It all started with a call from a mother concerned that her child was having nightmares and not being able to sit. She accused one of the teachers at McMartin Preschool of child molestation. It turned out that the mother was mentally unstable and the police did not find any evidence to support her claim. The teacher was released, however the police department did decide to send out a letter to all parents within the community. The letter provided instructions to question their children about ever experiencing any sexual acts. In response untrained parents were then questioning their children, and as a result the â€Å"children† of Manhattan Beach made near ly 1,211 accusations. These accusations consisted of children not only being molested but also witnesses to satanic worship. Once the press broke the news, seven of McMartin Preschool’s staff was arrested on over one hundred counts of child molestation. As fear spread though the media, more accusations appeared about other day cares being involved in satanic worship and the molestation of children. The news released how children were being molested as young as two years old, how they have been forced in child pornography and witnesses of animal sacrifice. The children were interviewed at the Children’s Institute International (CII) in California. They interviewed nearly 400 hundred children